Call Number (LC) Title Results
Q173 .H246 2007 10 questions science can't answer (yet) : a guide to the scientific wilderness / 1
Q173 .H353 1997b The handy science answer book / 1
Q173 .H36 The Harvest of a quiet eye : a selection of scientific quotations / 1
Q173 .H36 1991 A Dictionary of scientific quotations / 2
Q173 .H388 2018 Brief answers to the big questions / 1
Q173 .H42 1997 Why aren't black holes black? : the unanswered questions at the frontiers of science / 2
Q173 .H733 2001 The secret life of dust : from the cosmos to the kitchen counter, the big consequences of little things / 3
Q173 .H733 2001eb The secret life of dust : from the cosmos to the kitchen counter, the big consequences of little things / 1
Q173 .H734 1986 The advancement of science, and its burdens : the Jefferson lecture and other essays / 1
Q173 .H734 1998 The advancement of science, and its burdens : with a new introduction / 1
Q173 .H7342 1995 Einstein, history, and other passions / 2
Q173 .H7342 1996 Einstein, history, and other passions : the rebellion against science at the end of the twentieth century / 2
Q173 .H742 1995 How things are : a science tool-kit for the mind / 3
Q173 .H88 2004eb The Hutchinson science desk reference 1
Q173 .H88 2006eb The Hutchinson science desk reference. 1
Q173 .I8 2017eb Is the universe a hologram? : scientists answer the most provocative questions / 1
Q173 .J34 2014 Science unshackled : how obscure, abstract, seemingly useless scientific research turned out to be the basis for modern life / 1
Q173 .J67 2009eb Soviet Marxism and natural science, 1917-1932 / 1
Q173 .K39 1997 A glorious accident : understanding our place in the cosmic puzzle / 1
Q173 .K5735 1986 Diamond dealers and feather merchants : tales from the sciences /
Diamond dealers and feather merchants tales from the sciences /